Milky Way Garden, 22 x 28”, oil on canvas (framed), $1200

DREAMSCAPES Galaxies, nebulas, and stars fascinate me. I love seeing the tiny points of light at night and early morning. Through the magic of modern scientific telescopes, we are all able to peer into the vast distances of space like never before. These images bring new meanings to the idea that we are indeed star dust. Seeing many of these remarkable images fuels my imagination to create composites of nebulas, with everyday photographs that interest me. “The nitrogen in our DNA, calcium in our teeth, iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.” — Carl Sagan, Cosmos  To me this knowledge is part the grand circle of life; a place where I like to visually play when I am painting.